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Penisola Edizioni
Penisola Edizioni

Davide Degano


Texts: Livia Raccanello, Michael Biesmann
Cartography: Regional Synergie, Anna Moschioni
Graphic Design: Rudi van Delden
Traductions: Marisa Comelli, Agenzia Regionale per la Lingua Friulana, Sara Simoncig, SMO – Istituto per la Cultura Slovena


This book tells the rediscovery of a geographical microcosm, of a mountain area on the border between Italy and Slovenia, where the roots of the author Davide Degano lie. Through an active, critical re-examination of the “local” the common memory of the inhabitants is investigated. Ethnographic research finds its way among the stories shaping the villages’ transformation, the land’s uses, the communities’ evolution, the resistance of linguistic minorities. Thus economic, sociological, and anthropological elements are isolated. Thanks to the photographs, these narrative elements highlight threats and opportunities of the contemporary landscape, favoring an unprecedented perspective reading. Exploring the themes that characterize this area, such as emigration and the depopulation of small villages, becomes an opportunity to reflect on geographical values and assets. What options do these territories offer? What vocations do they respond to? How can they compete in the plots of metropolitan globalism? The mountain villages’ dimension is not a nostalgic repositioning but a real chance of regeneration,  employment, better life. The textual contributions and the analyzes brought by Livia Raccanello (anthropologist) and Michael Biesmann (urban planner) help the reader go deeper.


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First edition, 2021
500 copies
27×21 cm
272 pages
Swiss binding
Italian, English, Friulian, Slovenian
ISBN: 97888-32108-18-7