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Penisola Edizioni
Penisola Edizioni

Giovanni Cecchinato


Foreword: Riccardo Caldura
Essay: Dionisio Gavagnin
Geology: Emiliano Oddone
Talk: Steve Bisson with Gianluca d’Incà Levis
Graphic design, cartography, illustrations: Roberto Vito D’Amico


For five years, Giovanni Cecchinato traveled the route of an ancient road. For a long time, the Alemagna represented a hinge between East and West. Its history is so stimulating and full of events that intersect in the contemporary world that today it has become a formidable case study and a significant methodology of photographic investigation starting from the “road” device. The road is a magnifying glass to read the landscape to observe that incessant transformative action of men on the territory. From the plain to the peaks of the Dolomites, Alemagna has made it possible to study unique landscapes such as the Dolomites closely. To flank the bends of the sacred river, the Piave reframes pages of world wars and blood; to watch the borders and customs move on and down between Austria and Italy. Imagine the rafts transporting the timber onto the lagoon on which the mercantile power of the long-lived Serenissima Republic and Venice was built. To understand the fragile environmental balance of its landslide slopes, to compete with the issues of development, tourism, and economic compromises. And to watch silently the damage of the Vajont, one of the worst environmental catastrophes caused by the human species. To approach the metamorphosis tackling land consumption. And finally, to distance ourselves from all this to grasp the hasty nature of late modern society and possible glimpses of its change.


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First edition, 2021
300 copies
24 x 30 cm
232 pages


ISBN: 978-88-32108-12-5